Course Catalog - Animal Science

Agricultural Science & Technology Academy

Animal Science

Business & Industry Endorsement

PR: Prerequisite   |   CR: Credit for Course   |   SEM: Semesters   |   LC: Local Credit

(It is recommended students follow the program of study sequence level 1-4 as outlined by TEA.)


Level 1: Principles of Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources M #8050

Level 1: Principles of Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources M Honors #8065

Students develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, personal development, globalization, industry standards, details, practices, and expectations in agriculture, food, and natural resources.

SEM: 2 CR: 1


Level 2: Livestock & Poultry Production M #8051

Level 2: Livestock & Poultry Production M #8051ADV (2028 Graduates Only)

Level 2: Livestock & Poultry Production D M #8031

Introduces veterinary skills and procedures used on livestock, anatomy of livestock, genetics, and reproduction, and diseases that can affect all livestock animals. Animal species to be addressed in this course may include but are not limited to, beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine, sheep, goats, and poultry.

SEM: 2 CR: 1


Level 3: Veterinary Science M #8048

Veterinary Medical Applications covers topics relating to veterinary practices, including practices for large and small animal species. To prepare for careers in the field of animal science, students must attain academic skills and knowledge, acquire technical knowledge and skills related to animal systems and the workplace, and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations.

PR: Livestock Production or Equine Science.

SEM: 2 CR: 1


Level 3: Advanced Animal Science M #8053

Level 3: Advanced Animal Science M D #8078

This course examines the interrelatedness of human, scientific, and technological dimensions of livestock production. Students will analyze the nature of science, systems, and models to gather information and make predictions, decisions, and solve problems in animal science.

PR: Biology and Chemistry or Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC); Algebra I and Geometry; and either Small Animal Management, Equine Science, or Livestock Production.

SEM: 2 CR: 1


Level 4: Practicum in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources - Animal Science M #8064

This is a capstone experience for students participating in a coherent sequence of the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources cluster. Students apply knowledge and skills in real-world situations such as employment, independent study, internships, assistantships, mentorships, or laboratories.

PR: A minimum of one credit from the courses in the AGNR Career Cluster.

SEM: 2 CR: 2



Wildlife, Fisheries, and Ecology Management M #8056

Wildlife, Fisheries, and Ecology Management D #8066

This course examines the management of game and nongame wildlife species, fish, and aquacrops and their ecological needs as related to current agricultural practices.

SEM: 2 CR: 1