Course Catalog - Biomedical Science

Jay Science & Engineering Academy

Biomedical Science

Public Service or STEM Endorsement

PR: Prerequisite   |   CR: Credit for Course   |   SEM: Semesters   |   LC: Local Credit

(It is recommended students follow the program of study sequence level 1-4 as outlined by TEA.)


Level 1: Principles of Biosciences M #8717

Provides an overview of biotechnology, bioengineering, and related fields. Topics include genetics, cell structure, proteins, nucleic acids, and the impact of immunological events in biotechnology. Students will further study the increasingly important agricultural, environmental, economic, and political roles of bioenergy and biological remediation; the roles of nanoscience and nanotechnology in biotechnology medical research; and future trends in biological science and biotechnology.

SEM: 2 CR: 1


Level 2: Biotechnology I M #8719

Students will apply advanced academic knowledge and skills to the emerging fields of biotechnology such as agricultural, medical, regulatory, and forensics. Students will have the opportunity to use sophisticated laboratory equipment, perform statistical analysis, and practice quality-control techniques. Students will conduct laboratory and field investigations, use scientific methods during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem-solving. Students in Biotechnology I will study a variety of topics that include structures and functions of cells, nucleic acids, proteins, and genetics. Students must meet the 40% laboratory and fieldwork requirement.

PR: Biology

SEM: 2  CR: 1 Science Credit


Level 3: Medical Microbiology M #8337

Students explore the microbial world, studying topics such as pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms, laboratory procedures, identifying microorganisms, drug resistant organisms, and emerging diseases. Students must meet the 40% laboratory and fieldwork requirement.

PR: one credit in biology, one credit in chemistry, and at least one credit in a course from the health science career cluster. 

SEM: 2  Science CR: 1


Level 3: Biotechnology II M #8720

This course has the components of any rigorous scientific or bioengineering program of study from the problem identification, investigation design, data collection, data analysis, and formulation and presentation of the conclusions. This course applies the standard skills mastered in Biotechnology I and includes assay design. Students must meet the 40% laboratory and fieldwork requirement.

PR: Biotechnology I and Chemistry

SEM: 2 CR: 1


Level 4: Practicum in STEMโ€”Bioscience M #8724

A course designed to give students practical application of previously studied knowledge and skills. Students develop technical knowledge and skills required to pursue a career in a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics career field. Practicum experiences can occur in a variety of locations appropriate to the nature and level of experience.

PR: Algebra I and Geometry

SEM: 2 CR: 2