Course Catalog - Collision-Automotive


Business & Industry Endorsement

PR: Prerequisite   |   CR: Credit for Course   |   SEM: Semesters   |   LC: Local Credit

(It is recommended students follow the program of study sequence level 1-4 as outlined by TEA.)


Principles of Transportation Systems (9-10) #8759

Students will understand the interaction between various vehicle systems, the logistics used to move goods and services to consumers, and the components of transportation infrastructure. Students will understand technologies used to provide products and services in a timely manner and be able to meet the expectations of industry employers.

SEM: 2 CR: 1


Basic Collision Repair and Refinishing (10-12) #8765

This course includes knowledge of the processes, technologies, and materials used in the reconstruction of vehicles. This course is designed to teach the concepts and theory of systems related to automotive collision repair and refinishing.

SEM: 2 CR: 1


Collision Repair (11-12) #8754

This course focuses on the application of advanced technical skills and practices related to collision repair and refinishing. Provides training for entry level employment in the collision repair and refinishing industry.

SEM: 2 CR: 2


Paint and Refinishing (12) #8756

This course includes knowledge of the processes, technologies, and materials used in the reconstruction of vehicles. This course is designed to teach the concepts and theory of systems related to automotive paint and refinishing.

SEM: 2 CR: 2


Career Preparation I Extended (11-12) #8009

Extended Career Preparation provides opportunities for students to participate in a work-based learning experience that combines classroom instruction with business and industry employment experiences. The goal is to prepare students with a variety of skills for a changing workplace. Career preparation is relevant and rigorous, supports student attainment of academic standards, and effectively prepares students for college and career success. Students spend one hour in class each day and a minimum of 15 hours on the job each week. 

PR: Successful completion of one or more advanced career and technical education courses that are part of a coherent sequence of courses in a career cluster related to the field in which the student will be employed.

SEM: 2 CR: 3


Career Preparation II Extended (12) #8010

Extended Career Preparation provides opportunities for students to participate in a work-based learning experience that combines classroom instruction with business and industry employment experiences. The goal is to prepare students with a variety of skills for a changing workplace. Career preparation is relevant and rigorous, supports student attainment of academic standards, and effectively prepares students for college and career success. Students spend one hour in class each day and a minimum of 15 hours on the job each week. 

PR: Career Preparation I

SEM: 2 CR: 3