Course Catalog - Digital Communications - Audio Video Production

Digital Communications- Audio Video Production

Business & Industry Endorsement

PR: Prerequisite   |   CR: Credit for Course   |   SEM: Semesters   |   LC: Local Credit

(It is recommended students follow the program of study sequence level 1-4 as outlined by TEA.)


Level 1: Principles of Arts, AV Technology, and Communication #8176

Students will apply professional communications strategies. They will understand and examine problem-solving methods. Students will use technology applications when completing Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications projects and processes.

SEM: 2 CR: 1


Level 2: Audio/Video Production I #8153

Students will develop an understanding of the Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications industry with a focus on pre-production, production, and post-production audio and video activities.

SEM: 2 CR: 1


Level 3: Audio/Video Production II/Lab #8154

Level 3: Audio/Video Production II/Lab Dual #8189

Students develop an advanced understanding of the Audio/Video Production industry with a focus on pre-production, production, and post-production activities. This course may be implemented in an advanced audio format or an advanced format, including both audio and video. Through diverse forms of storytelling and production, students will exercise and develop creativity, intellectual curiosity, and critical-thinking, problem-solving, and collaborative skills. This course may be implemented in an audio format or a format with both audio and video. Requiring a lab corequisite for the course affords necessary time devoted specifically to the production and post-production process.

PR: Audio/Video Production I

SEM: 2 CR: 2


Level 4: Practicum in Audio/Video Production #8149

Building upon the concepts taught in Audio/Video Production II and its corequisite Audio/Video Production II Lab, in addition to developing advanced technical knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications Career Cluster, students will be expected to develop an increasing understanding of the industry with a focus on applying pre-production, production, and post-production audio and video products in a professional environment. This course may be implemented in an advanced audio/video or audio format. Instruction may be delivered through lab-based classroom experiences or career preparation opportunities.

PR: Audio/Video Production II/Lab

SEM: 2 CR: 2