Course Catalog - Exercise Science, Wellness & Restoration

Exercise Science, Wellness & Restoration

Public Service Endorsement

PR: Prerequisite   |   CR: Credit for Course   |   SEM: Semesters   |   LC: Local Credit

(It is recommended students follow the program of study sequence level 1-4 as outlined by TEA.)


Level 1: Principles of Exercise Science & Wellness #8431

This course is designed to provide for the development of knowledge and skills in fields that assist patients with maintaining physical, mental, and emotional health. Students in this course will understand diet and exercise, as well as techniques to help patients recover from injury, illness, and disease. They will also learn about introductory health science topics such as employability skills, lifespan development, and ethical and legal standards.

SEM: 2 CR: 1


Level 2: Kinesiology I #8386

This course is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of kinesiology. Students will gain an understanding of body mechanics, physiological functions of muscles and movements, the history of kinesiology, and the psychological impact of sports and athletic performance. Students will also explore careers within the kinesiology field and be able to explain the societal demand for kinesiology-related jobs. Students will develop a foundation in Kinesiology I that will prepare them for upper-level courses that will dive deeper into the anatomical and physiological functions of the body and provide opportunities for an industry-certified exam such as a certified personal trainer.

SEM: 2 CR: 1


Level 3: Anatomy and Physiology #8380

Level 3: Anatomy and Physiology H #8379

Level 3: Anatomy and Physiology D #8376 (check campus for availability) 

This course is designed for students to conduct laboratory and field investigations, use scientific methods during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem solving. Students in Anatomy and Physiology will study a variety of topics, including the structure and function of the human body and the interaction of body systems for maintaining homeostasis. Students must meet the 40% laboratory and fieldwork requirement. 

PR: one credit in Biology and one credit in Chemistry, Integrated Physics and Chemistry, or Physics.

SEM: 2 Science CR: 1


Level 4: Kinesiology II #8388

This course is designed to provide students an advanced level of knowledge, skills, and understanding of body composition and the effect on health, nutritional needs of physically active individuals, qualitative biomechanics, application of therapeutic modalities, appropriate rehabilitation services, and aerobic training intensity programs. The course is designed to allow students to advance their understanding of professional standards, employability skills, and ethical and legal standards. Throughout this course, students explore the healthcare/exercise business model and gain an understanding of therapeutic sports psychology. Students develop proper aerobic fitness programs and rehabilitation programs. Kinesiology II prepares students for an industry certification exam such as Certified Personal Trainer.   

  • Certification Offered: AAFCS Pre-Professional Nutrition, Food & Wellness

SEM: 2 CR: 1