Education Field Placement

Field placement assignments are for students in area colleges and universities, as well as to selected alternative certification programs.

Looking for information on Clinical Teacher Placements (Student Teaching)?

Information for University Professors/College Instructors

The Northside ISD Human Resources Department must approve all requests for college/university student classroom observations.

The following steps will expedite your request:

  1. Contact the principal or designee at each requested campus to coordinate the availability of classroom observations. Only the observation supervisor or the professor should contact the campus. Students should not contact campuses or District Offices.
  2. Direct and require each student to complete the Criminal History Check.

    Note: Avoid District/State test dates
  3. Request a cleared student list from
  4. Provide each approved student with documentation which states their approval for classroom observations. Students need to provide this document to campus staff upon request.
  5. Provide each student with a copy of the approved Request for Field Placement form to present to the campus administrator designated on the form.

Information for University/College Students

The Northside ISD Human Resources Department must approve all requests for college/university student classroom observations.

The following steps will expedite your request:

  1. Contact your university/college to request Northside ISD for your required classroom observation. The university/college staff must coordinate the observations with campus administration. Students should not contact campuses or District Offices.
  2. Complete the on-line Criminal History Check.

    Note: Avoid District/State test dates

Information for Alternative Certification Program Coordinators

The Northside ISD Human Resources Department must approve all requests for alternative certification classroom observation hours.

The following steps will expedite your request:

  1. Contact the principal or designee at each requested campus to coordinate the availability of classroom observations. Only the program coordinator should contact the campus. Students should not contact campuses or District Offices.  
  2. Direct and require each candidate to a Criminal History Check.

    Note: Avoid District/State test dates
  3. Request a cleared candidate list from
  4. Provide each approved candidate with documentation which states their approval for classroom observations. Candidates need to provide this document to campus staff upon request.

Information for Alternative Certification Program Candidates

The Northside ISD Human Resources Department must approve all requests for alternative certification classroom observation hours.

The following steps will expedite your request:

  1. Contact your alternative certification program to coordinate the availability and request Northside ISD for classroom observations. Only the program coordinator should contact the campus. Candidates should not contact campuses or District Offices.
  2. Complete a Criminal History Check.

    Note: Avoid District/State test dates