Title I, Part A
Purpose Under the recent legislation of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), formerly No Child Left Behind (NCLB), Title I, Part A is supplemental funding to support high poverty schools in providing opportunities for children to acquire the knowledge and skills in the State content standards and to meet the challenging State performance standards developed for all children. These funds are meant to supplement, not supplant, regular education funds. In addition to serving students in public school, districts are obliged to serve students who would be eligible in the public school, but are attending non-public schools. Districts must also serve students in the facilities for Neglected and Delinquent children with Title I funds. Types of Programs Title I, Part A funds may be used in a Schoolwide model or a Targeted Assistance model:
- A schoolwide program allows the use of Title I funds to upgrade the entire educational program to meet the educational needs of all students in a school. In Northside this option is made available to campuses with a poverty threshold greater than 56%. The threshold is reviewed each year during the planning cycle.
- A targeted assistance model supports only identified students meeting certain criteria.
For 2018-2019, Northside ISD has 48 Title I schoolwide campuses and no targeted assistance campuses.
Accountability Under provisions in Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), states, school districts, and campuses are evaluated annually for meeting federal accountability requirements.
Services Programs/activities supported, all or partially, by Title I funds to provide academic assistance in the content areas:
- Supplemental staff are provided on each Title 1 campus
- Extended Day Programs (before and after school, on Saturdays, and during the summer)
- Title I Even Start Family Literacy Program
- Family Engagement Program
Northside ISD follows guidance in Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) for all Title 1, Part A funds spent.
Parent and Family Engagement
Funds are provided at the District and campus levels to assist parents in becoming partners in their children's education.
There is coordination with NISD Family Engagement Program, NISD Title I Even Start Family Literacy Program, NISD Connections, Family Service Association, Head Start, Communities in Schools (CIS), and United Way of San Antonio.
NOTE: Not all programs are available on all campuses.