Wendy Morrissey
Our fifth grade students are taught the essential elements of playing the violin. Students meet for violin classes after school twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students that complete a full year of violin classes are eligible to enter the intermediate orchestra in sixth grade. Our violin players perform annually at our fifth grade promotion ceremony.
Danica Lubbers
Flight Club is an eight week tuition-based after-school sessions of selected First Grade students in Northside Independent School District. It is an engineering program where students work in teams or individually to design, test, and interact with air-kites, parachutes, paper airplanes and simple rockets. Students learn about the basic principles of flight and design when creating each of these tools. It is a great opportunity for students to challenge their thinking and give them hands-on ways to see how these tools are built and how they work!
Melissa Ramos & Mr. Ramierz
Please contact sponsors for details
Solar Car Club is an after-school science program for fifth grade students. Students are provided a solar panel, gear box, and axel rods. They will be given other materials also to help them design their solar car. In addition to earning about teamwork, students are also developing their engineering skills through the design and testing process. Mrs. Ramos and I are excited to get started. We will meet in the science room on Thursday from 3:00-4:00pm.
Mr. Ramirez
Alyssa Romero
Please contact sponsor for details
The purpose of this organization shall be to provide students of Driggers Elementary School with an opportunity to become involved in school and community activities. The Student Council's main purpose is to promote enthusiasm, pride and cooperation among the students through their participation and involvement. We lead by example and take responsibility which will enable us to make a difference in our school, community and country.
Ms. Sanchez & Ms. Aquilar
Please contact sponsors for details
Young Gentlemen's Organization
The Young Gentlemen's Organization kicked off its 4th year at Driggers.
YGO Invitation Day
We are so excited to welcome these dapper young gentlemen to join YGO this year. We couldn't have asked for a more distinguished group of 5th grade young men.
YGO Application Process
Our young gentlemen did not disappoint when filling out their applications and asking for their references.
Ms. Sanchez & Ms. Aguilar
Please contact sponsors for details
Young Ladies' Organization
We are incredibly thrilled to kick off our YLO this year by presenting about the organization and the expectations to our 5th grade classes
YLO Invitation Day
Almost 30 girls applied and were giving invitations to join YLO. We are so excited to welcome our distinguished young ladies of the 2019-2020 school year.
YLO Application Process
All 5th grade young ladies had the opportunity to apply to be a member of YLO. Student applications were turned in accompanied by a school and community reference. We are so impressed by students' applications.