Campus | Phone Number |
Adams Hill | 210-517-9382 |
Agriculture Academy | 210-380-5383 |
Allen | 726-223-8560 |
Aue | 210-842-5290 |
Beard | 210-845-8339 |
Behlau | 726-437-1141 |
Bernal | 726-437-1775 |
Blattman | 210-845-8564 |
Boldt | 210-419-8398 |
Boone | 726-203-2928 |
Brandeis | 210-727-4287 |
Brauchle | 210-325-5189 |
Braun Station | 210-760-5540 |
Brennan | 210-608-0634 |
Briscoe | 210-381-8443 |
Burke | 210-569-2550 |
Cable | 726-437-1038 |
Carlos Coon | 210-419-2047 |
Carnahan | 210-500-2060 |
Carson | 210-904-6380 |
CAST Teach | 210-428-5930 |
Chavez Excel Academy | 210-500-7114 |
Chumbley | 956-334-3096 |
Clark | 210-842-8046 |
Cody | 210-439-5245 |
Cole | 726-437-1768 |
Colonies North | 726-203-1526 |
Communications Arts | 210-727-5226 |
Connally | 726-228-6672 |
Construction Careers Academy | 210-426-6456 |
Driggers | 726-437-1715 |
Ellison | 210-612-0434 |
Elrod | 210-682-0340 |
Esparza | 210-535-7507 |
Evers | 726-228-1863 |
Fernandez | 210-870-6008 |
Fields | 210-846-5605 |
Fisher | 726-228-0309 |
Folks | 726-437-1006 |
Forester | 210-517-6005 |
Galm | 726-437-1759 |
Glass | 210-540-6469 |
Glenn | 210-517-1745 |
Glenoaks | 726-228-3691 |
Harlan | 210-608-5351 |
Hatchett | 726-228-1272 |
Health Careers | 210-439-6350 |
Hector Garcia | 210-376-1660 |
Helotes | 210-500-7161 |
Henderson | 210-727-4358 |
Hobby | 210-319-0640 |
Hobby Magnet | 210-319-0640 |
Hoffmann | 726-437-1013 |
Holmes | 210-740-5323 |
Holmgreen Center | 210-952-4928 |
Howsman | 210-682-0332 |
Jefferson | 210-727-5206 |
John Jay | 210-819-3049 |
John Jay Science and Engineering Academy | 210-819-3049 |
John Marshall | 210-563-2294 |
Jones | 726-437-1781 |
Jones Magnet | 726-437-1782 |
Jordan | 210-682-0375 |
Jordan Magnet | 210-682-0375 |
Kallison | 210-727-2260 |
Kay Franklin | 210-376-1915 |
Knowlton | 210-612-7677 |
Krueger | 210-563-8063 |
Kuentz | 210-682-0319 |
Langley | 210-441-1449 |
Leon Springs | 726-228-4893 |
Leon Valley | 726-203-1394 |
Lewis | 210-347-4263 |
Lieck | 210-500-9217 |
Linton | 210-556-2225 |
Locke Hill | 726-217-3313 |
Los Reyes | 281-745-0969 |
Luna | 210-850-4405 |
Marshall Law and Medical Services | 210-845-8691 |
Martin | 210-517-6888 |
Mary Hull | 726-437-1024 |
May | 210-819-8847 |
McAndrew | 210-868-2802 |
McDermott | 210-500-7130 |
Mead | 210-842-7763 |
Meadow Village | 726-437-1035 |
Michael | 726-228-1548 |
Mireles | 210-727-1284 |
Mora | 210-517-6614 |
Murnin | 726-437-1066 |
Myers | 210-419-3795 |
Neff | 210-850-4405 |
Nichols | 210-819-1742 |
Northside Alternative HS | 726-437-1036 |
Northside Alternative MS | 726-437-1036 |
Northwest Crossing | 210-540-4400 |
NSITE | 210-325-5189 |
O'Connor | 210-851-6159 |
Oak Hills Terrace | 726-437-1069 |
Ott | 210-517-3928 |
Passmore | 726-437-1018 |
Pease | 210-850-4065 |
Powell | 726-228-3866 |
Raba | 210-439-5466 |
Rawlinson | 726-230-5612 |
Rayburn | 210-500-7156 |
Reddix Center | 210-952-4930 |
Reed | 210-793-5022 |
Rhodes | 726-437-1730 |
Ross | 210-682-0157 |
Rudder | 210-850-3158 |
Scarborough | 210-727-6485 |
Scobee | 726-223-8028 |
Sotomayor | 210-793-7328 |
Steubing | 726-437-1746 |
Stevens | 210-428-3804 |
Stevenson | 210-740-5080 |
Stinson | 210-383-0435 |
Straus | 210-727-5225 |
Taft | 210-870-6559 |
Thornton | 726-437-1747 |
Timberwilde | 726-437-1068 |
Tomlinson | 210-727-2553 |
Vale | 210-904-6637 |
Valley Hi | 726-223-8070 |
Villarreal | 210-381-7937 |
Wanke | 726-437-1742 |
Ward | 210-682-0164 |
Warren | 210-428-8665 |
Wernli | 210-760-7271 |
Westwood Terrace | 726-223-8257 |
Zachry | 210-793-8294 |
Zachry Magnet | 210-793-8294 |
We are aware of an issue affecting phones and internet across the District, other local districts, and across the state. We are working with our provider on a remedy. To contact a campus, use our emergency phone list.