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Morning Drop Off: If you choose to stay with your child in the building anytime from 7:00-7:40 a.m., you must stop at the office, present a photo ID, and receive a badge.

Please exit the building by 7:40 a.m. To secure our building for the day, parents should be on their way out the front door when that first bell rings.

Drive-thru Curb Service: The Galm side lot is NOT a drop-off area in the morning. The bus loop is open for drop-off until 7:40 am.


AFTER 7:45 a.m.: When arriving after the tardy bell, parents must come into the office to sign their students in. When the 7:45 bell rings, drop-off areas are no longer monitored by staff and students should not be dropped at the curb and left unattended to enter the building alone.


Hallways: For safety reasons, walking your child to class requires a quick drop-and-go. The hallways are not a place for parents to spend time with their children. Teachers must be able to see all students and monitor the hallway. Extra adults standing around in the hallway create obstructed views and distract teachers from keeping their eyes on the children. If you want to spend a little more time with your child in the morning, please check in to receive a badge and proceed to the cafeteria.