Andrea Cruhm
Wednesdays k -2nd 3 to 4pm, Friday 3-5th 3 to 4 pm
Mr. Eric Garcia
Mondays and Wednesdays 3:10 - 4:10
5th graders learn to play the violin or viola with the Rudder orchestra teacher
Mondays and Wednesdays 3:10 - 4:10
Mrs. Massey, Mrs. Dornak and Mr. Vargas
Cardboard Arcade is an after-school program for 2nd grade students in NISD. It is an engineering program where students work in teams or individually to design, test, redesign, retest, and eventually create a working arcade-type game. Students consider game design, rules for playing, and prior Science knowledge when designing their games.
Jennifer Garza,
Spring of 2023
Flight Club is an engineering program for first graders where students work in teams or individually to design, test, and modify 4 tools that interact with air - kites, parachutes, paper airplanes, and simple rockets. Students learn about the basic principles of flight and design when creating each of these tools.
Kristy Massa
Daily @ 7:30 am/ in the Library
Mike Massa
Daily @ 7:15 am and 2:50 pm/ in the Library
Sherri Herb, Marty Frkuska and Katie Batey
Every Tuesday from 3:15 to 4:30 pm in Mrs. Herb's room
The goals of Project ACORN are to improve environmental literacy for participating PreK - 8th grade students through hands-on, inquiry-based science activities and to increase community involvement in environmental science activities by addressing plant biodiversity in the San Antonio River watershed.
Students will plant and maintain a butterfly and vegetable garden. They receive inquiry-based science instruction on environmental education topics. They also collect data and take environmental measurements and report findings in a global scientific database (GLOBE).
Mrs. Herb & Mrs. Frkuska
In groups of 3, students design a solar-powered car to race that fits set parameters.
Angelo Vargas