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Transition to Independence Act (S.1604)

This bill, if passed into law, would establish the Transition to Independence demonstration program. The demonstration program will give ten Medicaid Buy-In states (states where individuals can buy into Medicaid while working) an opportunity to receive bonus payments from Medicaid for meeting benchmarks that reduce subminimum wage work and increase integrated employment. There are currently 44 Medicaid Buy-In states.

The goals of the Transition to Independence bill are to:

  • Improve opportunities for people with disabilities to obtain integrated employment and reduce their reliance on subminimum wages and segregated environments.
  • Reform and coordinate systems to offer cost-effective supports and services to people with disabilities, consistent with the rising expectations of and for people with disabilities.
  • Ensure that people with disabilities and their families regularly receive accurate information about and have access to services and supports that promote self-determination, independence, productivity, and integration and inclusion.

What you can do:

This is an great site to help answer questions about transition and special education.


The following are some of the links related to transition from school life to adult life:

Alamo Area Council of Governments

Department of State Health Services

Social Security Administration (ssi)

VIA Trans

Texas Parent to Parent

Disability San Antonio

The ARC of San Antonio