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In Northside ISD, we believe that all students should have access to the course pathway that will prepare them for college, career, military and beyond. To support this effort, the MS Math Program has multiple entry points from students to access Accelerated and Advanced coursework.  The courses offered in the MS Mathematics program are listed below, including a link to the Pacing Calendar for each course.

MS Math Pathways logo

Middle School Math District Grading Policy

The district grading policy for middle school Math is as follows:

40% Formative

60% Summative


MS Math Course Overview

Course Name & Year At-A-GlanceNISD Prerequisite (or equivalent)STAAR/EOC Test
Math 6Math 5STAAR 6
Accelerated Math 6Math 5STAAR 6
Math 7Math 6STAAR 7
MS Math BridgeMath 6STAAR 8
Accelerated Pre-AlgebraAccelerated Math 6STAAR 8
Pre-AlgebraMath 7STAAR 8
Advanced MS Algebra

Accelerated Pre-Algebra,

MS Math Bridge

Algebra EOC