NISD student named big winner in Cavaliers Art Contest

NISD student named big winner in Cavaliers Art Contest

Ena Amakusa, a fifth-grade student at Raba Elementary School, is the grand prize winner in the 2024 Texas Cavaliers River Parade Art Contest.

Three additional NISD artists are finalists in the 2024 Texas Cavaliers River Parade Art Contest. The grand prize winner and all finalists were chosen from thousands of entries from schools across the city to represent one of ten city council districts and one at-large position. Each finalist receives $3,000 for their school’s art program and a one-week summer scholarship to the Southwest School of Art. Their artwork will also be showcased as a wrap on a Via bus for six months. The finalists are Isabella Gomez, a fifth-grade student at Forester Elementary School; Miabella Beene, a fifth grader at Steubing Elementary School; and Tudor Seitan, a fifth grader at Carnahan Elementary School.

Each runner-up receives $1,000 for their school’s art program. NISD had four runner-up winners as well. They are Georgia Rechterman, a fifth-grade student at Forester Elementary School; Rakeb Gizaw, a fourth grader at Raba Elementary School; Julia Dooley, a fifth grader at Scobee Elementary; and Yashvi Vijayakrishnan, a fourth grader at McDermott Elementary School.

With finalists and runners-up in this year’s contest, NISD students earned $18,000 for their schools’ art programs.

Raba Elementary School: Art Teacher Katrina Gonzalez, Ena Amakusa, and Principal Francesca Neal
Forester Elementary School: Art Teacher Jesus Rosales, Isabella Gomez, and Principal Kelly Mantle
Steubing Elementary School: Art Teacher Renee Porter and Miabella Beene
Carnahan Elementary School: Principal Lucille Gomez, Tudor Seitan, and Art Teacher Kristin Rosario
Prize LevelStudentSchoolPrincipalArt Teacher
Grand Prize WinnerEna AmakusaRaba Elementary SchoolMrs. Francesca NealMrs. Katrina Gonzalez
FinalistIsabella GomezForester Elementary SchoolKelly MantleJesus Rosales
FinalistMiabella BeeneSteubing Elementary SchoolLatia BishopRenee Porter
FinalistTudor SeitanCarnahan Elementary SchoolLucille GomezKristin Rosario
Runner UpGeorgia RechtermanForester Elementary SchoolKelly MantleJesus Rosales
Runner UpRakeb GizawRaba Elementary SchoolFrancesca NealKatrina Gonzalez
Runner UpJulia DooleyScobee Elementary SchoolKristen MontellanoChristy Esquivel
Runner UpYashvi VijayakrishnanMcDermott Elementary SchoolTawny WagnerShannon Cregg

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