Dec 10- Lucas Miller: The Singing Zoologist Library Visit
Dec 19- Classroom Winter Celebrations
Dec 20- End of 2nd Quarter
Dec 23-Jan 6- Winter Break
Wed 1-Fri 3- Winter Break
Mon 6- Student Holiday/Teacher Planning Day
Tues 7- Beginning of 3rd Quarter
Thurs 9- 3rd Grade S.T.E.M Toyota Plant
Tues 14- PTA Meeting and Howdy Night w/Haby 5-6p
Thurs 16- Garcia Gladiator Transition Camp- 5th Gr 9-11:15a
Fri 17- Kinder DoSeum
Mon 20- Student/Staff Holiday MLK Day
Wed 22- Kinder Round Up 430-530p
Before/After School Clubs-
Mon- Boy Scouts Cafeteria 630-8p
Mon and Thurs- Strings Music Room 7-730a
Mon and Tues- CYO Athletics Gym 630-830p
Tues- Super Squad- Gym 3-4p
Wed and Fri- Choir Music Room 7-730a
Wed- Cook Learn Grow 3-4p (Through Nov 6)
Esports Explorer 3-4p (certain Wednesdays)
S.T.E.M. Jr Doctor 3-4p (Nov6-Dec4)
Thurs- KidCreate Art Class 3-4p (Nov7-Dec19)
Thurs- TX Youth Sports Gym 630-830p (Through Dec19)