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PBIS: At Glenn we SOAR!

John Glenn utilizes a Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) system. PBIS includes school-wide procedures and expectations. We have established a consistent set of school-wide expectations called “S.O.A.R.” These expectations will be consistent in every setting throughout the campus.  Students are to show SAFE behavior, stay ON TASK, ACT RESPONSIBILITY, and show Respect. 

PBIS Recognition 

Students observed following the S.O.A.R. expectations will be recognized with Astrobucks (school currency). Various incentives can be purchased at The Astro Store with Astrobucks. Teachers are also recognized monthly for showing positive behavior at Glenn.  We have a pep rally at the beginning of the year to kick off our SOAR behavior and we are making plans to have more pep rallies to keep the momentum going.

At Glenn, we are supporting and encouraging our students to use SOAR behavior by creating a positive school climate. 

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