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Elrod PTA ~ Building Our Future

Advocate for your child by becoming a PTA member!

Your Contribution and support helps fund events and campus projects such as:

  1. Character Awards

  2. Trunk O Treat

  3. Valentines Day Dance

  4. Field Trips

  5. Veteran's Day Reception

  6. Student Incentive Events

  7. Bike Rodeo

  8. Field Day

  9. Red Ribbon Week

  10. Career Day

--- and more!

Funds raised by the PTA directly supports your child’s educational experience. ($4.50 per member goes to Texas and National PTA) 

Membership dues are $10.00 per person (online payment only).  

Join Elrod P.T.A. 

Anyone can join: parents, students, brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, close friends, community members like neighbors or businesses.

Volunteers are always welcomed!  Joining does not commit you to volunteer or give a time commitment. However, if you wish to volunteer we welcome your time and services. We have a very friendly and active PTA, and you are invited and encouraged to participate in many ways.

Contact Elrod PTA at or join us on Facebook.

Join Elrod PTA online --

  • School District: Northside ISD
  • PTA: Elrod Elementary
  • (There is a $1.50 convenience fee.)

Thank you for supporting our Future!