High school students can earn college credits by signing up for dual credit. Some courses are offered at specific campuses and others are offered at the college campus. Information about earning college credits may be obtained from the school’s counseling department.
CTE Advanced Academics Courses
Students can take the following CTE advanced academics courses on their high school campus. Course offerings vary by individual camps.
Comprehensive High Schools
- Business Management
Programming and Software Development
- AP Computer Science Principles
- Onramps Computer Science
- Computer Science A 1
- Construction Technology I
- Construction Technology II
- Culinary Arts
- Advanced Culinary Arts
- Practicum in Culinary Arts
Health Science
- Medical Terminology
- Anatomy & Physiology
Law Enforcement
- Principles of Law, Public Safety, and Corrections
- Principles of Arts, AV Tech, and Comm
- Audio Video Production II
- Welding I
- Welding II
- Practicum in Manufacturing
Magnet High Schools
- Advanced Animal Science
- Advanced Plant and Soil Science
- Food Technology & Safety
- Horticulture
- Livestock Production
- Wildlife Fisheries and Ecology Mgt.
Programming and Software Development
- Advance Computer Science
- AP Computer Science Principles
- Computer Science A 1
- Computer Science II
- Computer Science III
- Onramps Computer Science
- Practicum in IT
- Construction Technology I
- Construction Technology II
- Construction Management I
- Construction Management II
- Electrical Technology I
- Electrical Technology II
- Plumbing Technology I
- Plumbing Technology II
- Practicum in Construction Technology-Electrical
- Practicum in Construction Technology-Plumbing
- Principles of Architecture
- Cyber Internetworking I
- Cyber Internetworking II
- Practicum in IT-Cyber
- Entrepreneurship I
- Entrepreneurship II
- Practicum of Entrepreneurship
Health Science
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Medical Terminology
Law Enforcement
- Court Systems and Practices
- Principles of Law, Public Safety, and Corrections
- Audio Video Production II
- Digital Media
- Digital Communications in the 21st Century