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Our goal is to develop students' conceptual understanding, computational fluency, analytical thinking, and reasoning through problem solving. We strive to support an instructional environment where students are engaged through hands-on instruction in a Math Workshop Framework, involving data-driven recursive review, differentiated small group instruction, independent math workstations, and group reflection to develop self regulated learners.


Math students

Math at Carson ES

At Carson, our studentsโ€™ mathematical adventure begins in Pre-K and increases in complexity as they grow through the grade levels. They are exposed to math concepts in hands-on ways that allow students with a range of learning styles to become mathematicians!  Our students not only learn math concepts, but also ways to apply their knowledge in the real world. Students gain crucial analytical and reasoning skills necessary for higher education, and learn how to be innovators and problem solvers.

Our math lessons prepare students for advanced classes in the next phase of their education, and allows for differentiation that meets the needs of every student.  We work hand in hand with our families to provide students with the opportunity and encouragement that they need to succeed.