Welcome to the Cable Library website!
Library Vision
Cable Elementary: A community of readers and leaders.
Library Mission
The Cable Elementary Library Mission is to help students become passionate and joyful readers, teach students information literacy skills to become critical thinkers, provide opportunities for students to create and explore, and to teach students the digital literacy skills which are needed to be successful.
Library Hours
The library is open from Monday-Friday from 7:15 am to 2:55 pm for book check out. Students are welcome to checkout books before school every day. Families are always welcome with students before school on Family Friday!
Parents/Guardians need to check in at the office before heading to the library
Class Visits
Students visit the library every six days. Teachers can schedule additional time as needed. Students are able to checkout books outside of their regularly scheduled time.
Library Links
Destiny Discover, Library Catalog : Please visit our library catalog to see all of the wonderful books that we have in our collection!
Elementary General Resources: Check out all of the NISD elementary school databases. Students also have access to the site when logging into their portal. Please request the username and passwords from Mrs. Parker
About Your Librarian
This is Jennifer Parker's 4th year of being a librarian at Cable Elementary. Before becoming a librarian she taught second grade for 20+ years and was a Computer Instructional Technologist.
She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Elmentary Education, a Master of Science with a Specialization of Integrating Technology in the Classroom, and a Master of Library Science.
Feel feet to reach out to her at any time!
Jennifer. Parker@nisd.net