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Jose Mares
Meeting Time & Location
Sports offerings at this school including school sponsored and those provided by external partners. Teams and groups usually meet before or after school hours, and participate in regular practices and divisional competition. Some sports offered

Boys Athletics

  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Track & Field 
  • Cross Country
  • Tennis
  • Golf
  • Soccer 

For information and steps on filling out physical forms for your student athlete please go to and follow the steps required.  

Candace Mora
Meeting Time & Location
Sports offerings at this school including school sponsored and those provided by external partners. Teams and groups usually meet before or after school hours, and participate in regular practices and divisional competition. Some sports offered

Girls Athletics 

  • Volleyball 
  • Basketball
  • Track & Field
  • Tennis 
  • Golf
  • Soccer

For information and steps on filling out physical forms for your student athlete please go to and follow the steps required.  



-Values & Guidelines-

Extracurricular Programs

All extracurricular programs at Bernal are built on a spirit of sportsmanship, friendly competition, and conduct of the highest level. Understanding that these programs are only one component of the total educational process, we strive to keep its importance in perspective. Each students will learn that success or failure cannot be measured in wins or losses. Rather, the effort put forth, the sacrifice of self for team goals, and the display of humility and discipline will confirm our commitment to character development and lifelong success.


Academically, it is expected that all student athletes work to their absolute best. A student must be passing all of his/her classes to retain athletic eligibility. If a student receives any grade below a 70 on a report card, he/she will not be allowed to participate in any game or performance for a period of three weeks. Attending practice during this time is still highly recommended. After the 3 week period, a progress grade will be checked by the Athletic Coordinator. All classes must be passing at the progress check to regain eligibility for game participation.


Attendance is an important part of building strong student athletes and successful teams. Being prepared and on time to all classes as well as practices develops our commitment to success. Student athletes are expected to attend all practices unless they have a legitimate excuse and have made arrangements with the coaching staff. Any athlete who is absent from school on the day of a game will not be permitted to participate in the athletic event. Multiple absences may result in loss of participation privileges, or dismissal from the team.


Student athletes will be viewed as goodwill ambassadors for Bernal. Student athletes are expected to have good behavior in their classrooms and other areas of the school. Constant disruptive behavior could result in probation, loss of participation privileges, or dismissal from the team. If a studentโ€™s conduct during participation in an event is aggressively negative or violent in nature, he/she can be removed from competition. An athlete who is suspended from school will not be permitted to practice, participate in a contest or attend a school function until he/she has been reinstated in school and has competed a full day of classes.



Richelle Molina & Benjamin Grabber

We are a fast-moving and exciting music elective program at Bernal MS!  Our different bands include: Beginning Band, Symphonic (Intermediate) Band, Jazz Band and Honor (Advanced) Band.  Symphonic Band, Jazz Band and Honor Band are all "award winning".  All 6-8 grade students are welcome in the Bernal Black Knights Band!  

Margaret Sorrell

Kathleen Boyd

Eduardo Perez


Name of Club 

Name of Sponsor(s) 

Club Description 

How to Become a Club Member 

Club Meeting Location

Dates & Times of Club Meetings 

More Information & Who to Contact 

Sponsor(s) Email Address

Black Knights Chess Club

Jonathan Redding

All ages and all levels. Competitive and Non-Competitive.

Come to any meeting

Library. Monday's After School

Beginning September 25, 2023

Contact Mr. Redding by email

Book Club

Shelby Eichelberg

In our Book Club, we will focus on reading fun and diverse book choices based on the interests of our readers. On a weekly basis, we will discuss the books that we read.

Stop by A224 for a permission slip.

A224 (Ms. Eichelberger's room)

Thursday afternoons from 4:15 to 5:00

Contact Ms. Eichelberger for club information by email.

Crafting Club

Pamela Gonzales & Terry Williston

The purpose of the Crafting Club is to foster creativity, encourage positive social interaction and to have fun

Fill out an application. Bring the application to Mrs. Gonzales, the librarian, or Mrs. Williston.


Friday mornings at 8am.

Call the library or stop by.


Kyle Mata A competitive video game club where students can put their skills to the test in different video games while making friends There will be try outs the last week of September E108 TBD

Join my email list by sending an email. I will be providing updates and information on try-outs and other important information as well as answering questions.

There will be two e-sports team this year. Fall will be for Super Smash Bros while Spring will be for Mario Kart

Junior Thespians

Eduardo Perez A Thespian is an Actor. A Junior Thespian is a theatre person in grades 6th- 8th who participates in and loves theatre. As a troupe we celebrate theatre. If you enjoy acting and working behind the scenes, this organization is for you! You need to earn 5 thespian points to be inducted into Bernal's Junior Thespian Troupe 11075. There are several different ways to earn points. Come to the meetings to find out how Room C104 September 28, 8:00 AM - 8:35 AM is our first meeting Email Sponsor

Lego Robotics

Jacob Mathews We are a competition club that will build a Lego robot and create a project to then present at a district competition with other schools. Must come to the initial meeting and demonstrate the CORE values that are found in the First Lego League. Wednesdays: E108 September 20th is when we start meeting First Lego League Website

Library Crew

Pamela Gonzales A social club with a focus on improving the library program Fill out an application. The club is limited to 20 members Library Every morning starting at 8am. To the Library
Military Club Counselors Come hang out with other military kids! We will be planning activities throughout the year to honor our military community. Members are welcome to stop by any of the meetings. Library or Courtyard after school 4pm Oct. 3, Nov. 9, Feb. 5, Apr. 1, May 6 Email Sponsor
National Junior Honor Society / NJHS Kelly Handley Recognizing students with outstanding academic achievement while supporting future goals 7th and 8th grade students get invited to be inducted in February. 8th graders inducted last year are required to attend meetings to maintain membership TBA, but most likely room A220

First meeting: 8AM Sept. 5, Oct. 6, Nov 3, Dec1

All transfer students(military or civilian) who have proof of induction from their previous campus may submit a request to join NJHS at Bernal.

Email Sponsor
Pixel Club Pamela Gonzales Social club focused on collaborative gaming Come to the library on Wednesday mornings starting at 750am. Library Every Wednesday at 7:50am. Go see Ms. Gonzales, the librarian.
S2S Counselors This club works to welcome new students to Bernal and show appreciation to our teachers and community Students must fill out an interest form and receive training. Come by counseling office if they need to complete. Library 8:00am or 4:00pm Sept. 26, Oct. 17, Nov. 6, Jan. 9, Feb. 6, Mar. 19, Apr. 9, May 7 Email Sponsor
Sewing Club Tammy Carter We will learn to read a pattern and then sew on a sewing machine to make pajama pants You must have been in last year or are currently enrolled in PBS Futures Lab or PHS. (7th or 8th graders) FCS Room--C109 2nd Monday of each month (but the first meeting will be Oct. 16 due to Columbus Day) from 4:10 to 5:30 p.m.

It is important you make the first few meetings to get your supply list that and to learn safety on the machines and pass the safety test.

Ask Mrs. Carter, C109 or email sponsor
Solar Car Club Stephen Garcia Student will design and create a solar car to race at an official NISD race day event. Flyers and sign up information will be given in the Spring semester E104 TBA Email Sponsor
Steam Club Stephen Garcia Students will design, create and engineer large scale models of scientific concepts. An orientation meeting will be held on October 10th. If you cannot make the meeting but still want to join, please email me E104 Meetings and times will be decided in our orientation meeting on Oct 10 E104 or Email Sponsor


Sally Maher, Head Counselor

Bernal's S2S and Military Kids Clubs are designed to ensure inclusive, quality educational opportunities for all military-connected children affected by mobility, transition, deployments and family separation. As a campus-based military liaison, Mrs. Maher is responsible for serving as the point of contact and working collaboratively between military-connected students and their families and the campus. The counseling team attends yearly training to learn and understand topics related to the transition of military-connected students and their families. All counselors assist with campus-based supports such as small group counseling and provide services  to military-connected students based on their unique needs, including their high mobility and deployment rate.

At Bernal Middle School, whenever a new military family is identified by our office staff, our S2S students step into action. S2S student responsibilities include:

* Giving new students a tour of the school.

* Explaining the school rules to a new student.

* Sitting with the new student at lunch and helping them feel welcome at our campus.

* Introducing the new student to other friends they may have on campus. 


Our Military Kids Club gathers monthly after school to play games and have conversation with other Military Kids. They also help plan our Veterans Day celebration, Month of the Military Family, Month of the Military Child, and Purple UP! Day.

Here are more resources for our Military Families:



Intramurals Sports logo

Northside ISD introduced the Intramural Program in 1992. The after-school program involves all middle schools and Health Careers High School and it is a place for students to enjoy recreational activity in the form of organized sports and tournaments at no cost to the family.

The 28-day program is available November thru March and will be led by campus teachers. Each campus will implement a schedule prior to the season beginning.

Please contact the front office for more information.