The Behlau Library will promote a lasting love of reading and literacy, fostering a lifelong love of learning.
Monday–Friday: 7:15 AM – 3:00 PM
(Hours may vary)
I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas, and am a product of NISD, having attended Powell Elementary, Sul Ross Middle School, and Holmes High School. After graduating in 2004 from Texas A&M Kingsville, I became a proud member of Brauchle Elementary, where I taught for 11 years as a second and third-grade teacher. In 2016, I earned a master’s degree in Library and Information Science with a certification in School Librarianship from Texas Woman’s University. I began my library career at Esparza Elementary before joining the wonderful community at Behlau Elementary, where I am honored to serve as the librarian.
Vision & Mission Statement:
Vision Statement:
The Behlau library will promote a lasting love of reading, literacy, where learning never ends.
Mission Statement:
The Behlau library is committed to creating a safe, nurturing, intellectually-challenging environment where Behlau students are empowered to seek information and ideas, become critical thinkers, discerning researchers, creative leaders, and life-long readers.
Circulation Policies: |
- Kindergarten and 1st grade students may check out one book at a time.
- 2nd-5th grade students may check out up to 2 books at a time.
- Parents are allowed up to 5 books for a 2 week period under their child's account.
- All book are due back every 2 weeks or must be renewed.
- If books are overdue, no other items may be checked out until books are returned.
- If a book is lost or damaged, please contact the library for assistance.
- If a desired book has bee checked out, students may continue to check the online catalog or ask the librarian to see if the book has been returned.
Selection Criteria:
Selection of materials is a continuous process due to the changing needs of the library community. The selection in all areas of the library will focus on purchasing materials to meet the needs of the student population. The following criteria will be used as they apply and may be subject to change.
- Selected items will support the Texas State and school district standards to support curriculum and instruction, and encourage reading interest and literature appreciation for student population.
- Resources will be of high quality in authenticity, factual content, readability, with artistic quality and literary style.
- Resources will be age appropriate for Pre-K-5 targeting all learning styles, reading levels, and social development of students for whom the materials are selected.
- Provide a balanced collection representing different viewpoints and worldly perspectives.
Printed, Audio, and eBook Selection
When selecting print resources the following criteria will be considered:
- Authenticity and Accuracy: Do the text and illustrations reflect the author’s knowledge of the subject matter?
- Literary Merit: Is the quality and durability of the source full of value and withstand the test of time?
Electronic Selection
When selecting electronic resources the following criteria will be considered:
- Represent useful and relevant information that current and research needs.
- Reflect up-to-date and current information.
- Sustainability that will last for many students use.
- Student appropriateness that requires minimal help from adults.
The library welcomes donations and has the right to accept print and non-print upon evaluation as according to the same criteria as items under the regular selection process and may be selected or rejected by those standards.
Collection Evaluation and Weeding:
In order to assess the effectiveness of our school’s library collection the professional judgment of the librarian and the Library Services will periodically review and evaluate the collection to continue to meet the needs of our school’s community
Weeding is necessary in order to have a well balanced and current library collection. Thoughtful consideration is made when selecting books and typically will follow the CREW method throughout the year and as needed. Segal’s guide MUSTY will be used to conduct the weeding process. The decision to withdraw materials is based on but not limited to the following:
- M-misleading or inaccurate information
- U-ugly condition, beyond repair
- S-superseded by newer editions
- T-trivial (no merit)
- Y-your collection has no use for this item
The library strives to uphold the principles set forth by the American Library Association and to the principal that the constitutionally protected freedoms of speech and press are enjoyed by all. The library affirms the individual right to access to materials and will allow all users the freedom to choose library materials and services they choose. Parents have every right to restrict access of materials for their own child and not of other children. Anyone has the right to formally challenge library materials and must follow district policies and procedures.