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Teacher Spotlight
Clarissa Kline

Mrs. Kline was honored by one of her former students, with this incredible video tribute. Please take a moment to watch again, as it reminds us all of the significant role educators play in shaping young minds and hearts. We love you Mrs. Kline!

Clarissa Kline Spotlight: Abigail Spiekerman

During my second grade year I had a pretty big change in my life when my father died. Mrs. Kline stayed by my side and worked hand in hand with me to ensure I stayed caught up during my time out of school. She showed me how to cope with things that were going on and stood up for me if some one was talking about me in the classroom. She even sent a box of cards to my house from all of my classmates to honor my father and comfort me. She always went above and beyond just to make the classroom a safe environment with a nurturing heart. I will never forget her for that.