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6th Grade - 
Global Literacy I: Multicultural Literature

Multicultural literature enables students to gain a deeper understanding of both their own culture and the cultures of others. Connecting with characters in literature or with real people across the world provides opportunities to help us understand who we are today. Through the study of diverse cultures and backgrounds, and engaging in Gifted and Talented learning strategies such as depth and complexity, creative problem solving, and critical thinking, students will gain an awareness of the various social practices, values, and belief systems of other cultures. Students will reflect upon and critically analyze current cultural issues and develop global awareness.  

Ms. Denise Case
Ms. Denise Case
Ms. Katy Rittimann
Ms. Katy Rittimann

6th Grade - 
Global Communications & World Cultures

This course is designed to explore 6th grade World Cultures concepts as they relate to global communication, cybersecurity and information technology. Students will blend skills learned in social studies, ELA and technology together and engage in Gifted and Talented learning strategies such as depth and complexity, creative problem solving, and critical thinking. The content in this course includes a variety of topics such as the study of people, places and societies of the contemporary world. Students will study the influence of individuals and groups on historical and contemporary events. They will identify locations and geographic features of various societies. Students will learn the different ways of organizing economies and government systems. They will compare various institutions common to all societies and learn how the level of technology affects development of various societies.

Ms. Jeanette Garza
Ms. Jeanette Garza

6th Grade - 
Career Investigations

In this lab and project-based course, students will participate in experiences that model real world industries with a focus on Global Communications, Cybersecurity, and Information Technology. This course establishes the foundation for the Cybersecurity pathway of courses. The goal is to create a pathway for success in high school, future studies, and careers in Global Communications, Cybersecurity, and Information Technology. All Career and Technical Education clusters will be addressed so students have a well-rounded view of all career clusters. The students will research labor market information, learn job-seeking skills, and practice professional communication skills. Major units on Global Communications, Cybersecurity, and Information Technology will be the focus of this course. Career and Technical Education instruction provides content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills for students to further their education and succeed in current or emerging professions.  

Ms. Lori Linton
Ms. Lori Linton

The remaining 6th grade schedule will consist of:

  • Accelerated Math 6 or Math 6
  • Science 6
  • PE / Healthy Habits
  • 1 Fine Arts Elective