
Attendance Office


Hello parents and students! My name is Alexis Lopez and I am the attendance secretary here at Stinson Middle School.

Iโ€™ve included some frequently asked questions regarding attendance.

Office Hours are from 8:00am - 4:00pm.

Doctors & parent notes must be turned in within 3 school days of the absence. For example: If you are absent on Friday, the last day to turn in a note is Wednesday. 

What must be included in the notes?

Doctor notes

  • Student name
  • ID # & Grade
  • Date of absence
  • Phone number for doctor
  • Date of note

Parent notes

  • Student name
  • ID # & Grade
  • Date of absence
  • Parent name & signature
  • Reason for absence
  • Date of note
  • Phone number for parent

Notes can be turned in by your student to the attendance office or emailed to me to

What is excused?

Excused Absences

  • Personal illness
  • Family funerals
  • Medical appointments
  • Church/religious absences with documentation
  • Court appointments
  • Excused school business/approved class field trips


  • Family emergencies with explanation
  • Car trouble/Flat tire
  • Missed the bus/ride
  • Oversleeping
  • Parent/sibling doctor appointments
  • Caring for a sibling
  • Busy traffic
  • Notes without all pertinent information
  • Truancy

Picking up students:

You are required to have your ID in order to verify that you are on the pick up list for the safety of the student. You must be in the school building in order for us to call the student down to leave. We do not want the student to miss class time. The latest a student can be picked up is at 3:30pm.

Adding emergency contacts:

Please make sure you provide your ID, whether in person or over email, with the name of the person you want to add along with their phone number/s and their relationship to your student.

Have you moved recently?

You must turn in a proof of residence which is a utility under the parents name including water, cable, internet, etc. NO MORTGAGE STATEMENTS, CREDIT CARD BILLS, OR INSURANCE. If you do not have a bill under your name yet, we can take a disclosure statement and/or lease. That will be good for 30 days until you get a bill. If you do not have a bill under your name, you will need an affidavit of residency. Please see me for that form.

Updating phone numbers:

Please make sure you provide your ID, whether in person or over email, with the old phone number, new phone number, and your studentโ€™s name in order to make the change.

What does the law say about attendance?

Students who are absent without excuse for 3+ days or parts of days in a four week period; or 10+ days or parts of days in a 6 month period, the student and/or studentโ€™s parents are subject to prosecution under the Texas Education Code. For further explanation of attendance, refer to the Student Handbook.

High school credit courses

Students enrolled in high school credit courses (Algebra 1, Geometry, HS Art 1, HS AVID 1, and Spanish) only: If your child is enrolled in Algebra 1, Geometry, or a Spanish course and will receive high school credit, Texas School Law states that students must be in attendance at least 90% of the time to receive credit for a course. If the student is in attendance less than 90%, the student may lose credit for the course. Students may not miss 9 days to a semester course, or 18 days for a yearlong course. Students will not receive credit if they exceed the number of allowable absences - even if the absence is excused.

Warning letter

Students, who are absent 3+ days in a 4 week period or 10+ days in a six month period, will receive a warning letter from the school. Schedule a conference with the school if you believe your child is having attendance issues. Future unexcused absences will result in prosecution under the Texas Education Code (TEC 25).

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact meโ€ฆ



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