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ESL & Bilingual Banner

Northside's ESL Program provides intensive instruction in English. The focus is to improve students' English language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. ESL teachers use techniques and approaches based on the current research in second language acquisition. The goal of the program is to develop competence in English while valuing the academic and cultural experience of the student.


Middle School ESL Program

The English as a Second Language Program (ESL) gives students who are classified as Emergent Bilinguals (EBs) the opportunity to receive services that support their English language acquisition.  Students will be placed in courses according to their English language proficiency.  The English intensive instruction is designed with the goals to improve studentsโ€™ English language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.  ESL teachers employ best teaching practices and approaches based on the current research in English language acquisition.  The ESL program objective is to develop competence in English while valuing the academic and cultural experience of the student.


Middle School Bilingual Dual

The NISD MS Dual Language immersion two-way bilingual program model in Northside is research-based. The dual language model seeks to create bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural students by developing their academic proficiency in English and Spanish. Two middle school campuses offer a dual language immersion two-way bilingual program.


ESL Students

To inquire about Stinson's Dual Language Program contact our Head Counselor, Linda Boyett,

To inquire about Stinson's ESL Program contact our ESL teacher, Jessica Williams, or Claudia Zeidler,