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Attendance Office Information

Parents are charged with the responsibility of ensuring their child comes to school and attends all classes. Students are expected to attend school and be on time to their classes. State law and school policy requires attendance every day that school is in session. Illness, doctor/clinic visits, death in the family, court appearances, religious holidays, and school-sponsored activities are the only excusable reasons for Non-attendance. Absences for reasons other than those stated above will be determined excused or unexcused by the Principal or her designee.

The first rule of success for a student is to “show up” on time. Attendance is one of the Principal’s top priorities in managing the school’s population. Students cannot learn if they are not present in school; teachers cannot teach empty seats.

  1. Notes must be turned in to the Attendance Office immediately upon student’s return to school. The note must include the following: a) date of note, b) name, id#, grade level of child, c) date(s) of absence(s), d) specific reason for absence(s), e) parent signature, and f) telephone number(s) where parent can be reached. *Third party notes are accepted (i.e., doctor, dental, funeral, family court) and need to meet the same criteria as listed above.
  2. Students without a note will be issued an unexcused absence. The student must bring a note within three school days to the attendance secretary for the record to be amended.
  3. Students with 3 or more unexcused full or partial day absences, in accordance with state law, will be issued an attendance warning notice (AWN). Students with additional absences after issuance of AWN may be routed to truancy court.
  • NOTE: Please refer to the District policy on Attendance in Section D of this handbook.

Tardies - Students should be in their classrooms when the tardy bell rings. Unexcused tardy accumulations in any one class during a grading period will result in the student being referred to the office for disciplinary action.

For additional questions, please contact attendance secretary, by email: or by phone: 210-397-7300.