Auction Donations Needed
Hello Steubing Families,
Our 19th Annual Stallion Stomp is Saturday, March 29. This is our PTA's main fundraiser for the school year. We will have a carnival and auction set up to raise money. Where does the money go? 60% of the money raised at our last Stomp will be spent on this year's field trips. The remaining funds will go toward during-school programs, curriculum enrichment for students, and more.
For the auction this year, we would like to try something new. Please consider helping out with any of the following:
- Ask your employer to donate an item, such as a gift card. Please contact for a copy of the donation letter, which you can share with your employer and contains more information about the auction. Sometimes companies donate an item or basket unrelated to their business and attach their business card. For example, a real estate agent may donate a restaurant gift card.
- Donate an item, gift certificate, or basket from your business or side business. We have so many parents who do, make, and sell wonderful things, and we would love to promote your business while we fundraise.
- Individuals are also welcome to donate an item, such as a restaurant gift card or lottery scratch-offs. As always, if you would like PTA to do the shopping for you, send cash in an envelope labeled "PTA Auction."
Donations are always optional and very much appreciated. Please turn in all donations by Wednesday, March 5. If you have questions, please email .
Thank you so much for supporting our school!