Northside provides comprehensive extracurricular programs for the benefit of NISD students. The underlying belief is that that participation in an extracurricular program can provide students the opportunity to learn responsibility, dedication, leadership, hard work, respect for rules, respect for authority and many other positive qualities. Regulations are established to promote these qualities and to help build and maintain strong programs. It is recognized that some of the expectations for students involved in extracurricular activities exceed the expectations for the general student body. These students are expected to follow district policies and all program-specific procedures set by the district and the school. Violations of the rules will result in corrective and/or disciplinary action. The facts and circumstances will be taken into consideration when determining consequences for rule violations. It is the desire of Northside coaches, directors and sponsors to educate and counsel our students on the harmful effects of a violation of this Code of Conduct and the potential consequences inflicted upon themselves, their families, and their respective teammates should they choose to breach the Extracurricular Code of Conduct. It is also the intent of the Extracurricular Code of Conduct to provide a clearly defined course for our students to follow and instill a belief that a one time infraction need not result in a permanent pattern in life. In all instances of an alleged violation of the Code of Conduct the student will be provided due process. The process for determining a violation of the Code of Conduct will be established by the principal on his/her campus. Any student involved in an extracurricular activity who is found to be in violation of any of the infractions mentioned below will face disciplinary action. Once guilt has been determined, the General Guidelines for Student Discipline as outlined in NISD Board Policy FO (Local) will be used when possible and applied to all cases concerning the Extracurricular Code of Conduct. The following penalties will be administered throughout the district when infractions occur:
No extracurricular participant shall, while on or off school premises, use, possess, distribute or be under the influence of tobacco. A first offense will result in 2-week suspension of the student from game competition or extracurricular participation. If there are not 2 weeks remaining in the particular sport season or activity, the balance will be fulfilled in a subsequent sport season or period of extracurricular activity. A contract will be required. A second offense will result in a 4-week suspension of the student from game competition or extracurricular participation. If there are not 4 weeks remaining in the particular sport season or activity, the balance will be fulfilled in a subsequent sport season or period of extracurricular activity. A contract will be required. A third offense will result in dismissal of the student from middle school or high school extracurricular programs.
No extracurricular participant shall, while on or off campus, sell, give, deliver, use, possess or be under the influence of alcohol. The first offense will result in a 3-week suspension of the student from game competition or extracurricular participation. If there are not 3 weeks remaining in that particular sport season or activity, the balance will be fulfilled in a subsequent sport season or period of extracurricular activity. A contract will be required. The second offense will result in a 6-week suspension of the student from game competition or extracurricular participation. If there are not 6 weeks remaining in that particular sport season or activity, the balance will be fulfilled in a subsequent sport season or period of extracurricular activity. A contract will be required.
The third offense will result in dismissal of the student from middle school or high school extracurricular programs.
Illegal substances
No extracurricular participant shall, while on or off campus, sell, give, deliver, use, possess, or be under the influence of any controlled or otherwise illegal substance. A first offense will result in a 5-week suspension of the student from game competition or activity. If there are not 5 weeks remaining in that particular sport season or activity, the balance will be fulfilled in a subsequent sport season or period of extracurricular activity. A contract will be required. A second offense will result in dismissal of the student from middle school or high school extracurricular programs.
Theft (on campus)
Any extracurricular participant guilty of theft on campus will face the following consequences: A first offense will result in a 3-6 week suspension of the student from game competition determined by the circumstances involved in the theft. If there are not 3-6 weeks left in that particular sport season or activity, the balance will be fulfilled in the subsequent sport season or period of extracurricular activity. A contract will be required. A second offense will result in dismissal of the student from extracurricular participation for the remainder of the school year. Another contract will be required. A third offense will result in dismissal of the student from middle school or high school extracurricular activities.
Citations or arrests on or off campus in regards to smoking, using/selling or possession of illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, drinking alcoholic beverages, vandalism or any behavior which causes embarrassment to the team or Northside ISD may result in suspension or dismissal from the extracurricular program. Any member of extracurricular organization must notify the head coach, director or sponsoring staff member immediately upon any arrest or citation. Failure to notify the staff member responsible for the program may result in suspension or dismissal from the program.
Electronic communication
Social networking websites and electronic communication: Maintaining a higher standard of conduct will also include ensuring that Northside ISD’s extracurricular participants’ personal electronic communication is appropriate. The internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible form of communication. Any communication including, but not limited to, MySpace, Twitter, Facebook, photosharing, inappropriate texting that is published or appearing on the internet is public domain even if it is marked private. Extracurricular participants are responsible for texting and electronic communications on the internet through their personal websites as well as postings on other students’ websites. The areas of appropriateness will include, but are not limited to, language (abbreviated or alluding to negative, lewd, vulgar or obscene comments about any individuals), pictures, suggestive poses, clothing, and reference to alcohol, drugs, and tobacco. Communication on the internet or by electronic means by extracurricular participants that are published and as a result cause disruption or damage to school district property at Northside or another school district are also inappropriate. Any member of the a Northside ISD extracurricular program who is involved in inappropriate, disruptive, negative, lewd, obscene, or sexual pictures, comments, or statuses on any social networks such as, but not limited to, MySpace, Twitter, or Facebook may result in suspension or dismissal from the extracurricular program.
Additional Disciplinary Action
Behaviors that are identified by the Texas Education Code, Section 37.007, may also result in suspension or dismissal of a student from the extracurricular program. These behaviors are identified in the Student-Parent Handbook and are listed as Category Offenses I, II, III and IV of the Code of Student Conduct and will apply to students while on or off the campus. Students must remain aware that being a part of an extracurricular activity is considered an honor and a privilege and not a right. Therefore, it requires observance of all discipline policies whether or not a student is at school or school-related activities. The discipline consequences for violation of the Extracurricular Code of Conduct may include suspension or dismissal of the student from the extracurricular program. Such actions shall be taken by coaches, directors or sponsors only after consultation with the campus athletic coordinator (where appropriate) and/or school administration. A behavioral contract may also be used following various infractions. Consequences for some rule violations may be addressed by coaches through discipline within the student’s program. Additional disciplinary consequences can also be imposed by the appropriate school officials for conduct or behavior that violates the District’s Code of Student Conduct.
Note: If the offense occurs during the summer, the suspension from activities will begin with the first week of competition/activity. If the offense occurs during the sport season or period of extracurricular activity, the suspension will begin with the next competition or extracurricular activity as determined by the coach, director or sponsor.
Upon verification of a first offense of the Extracurricular Code of Conduct, the student will be required to attend a conference in which he/she will be presented with a contract detailing future behavioral expectations. The contract will be signed by the student, parent(s) or guardian(s), campus administrator, and his/her coach, director or sponsor (and athletic coordinator where appropriate). The contract will reflect an understanding of the expectations of his/her particular campus and consequences for future rule violations. The contract must be signed by the student and his/her parent(s) or guardian(s) prior to his/her reinstatement to the extracurricular program.