Passmore Collage

Morning Recess

Morning Recess

We will begin our morning recess on Tuesday September 3, 2024. Please review the following reminders with your children:

  • Students MUST eat breakfast before going out to recess. If they do not eat breakfast before going out to recess, they will not be allowed to go back to the cafeteria. Please do not allow your students to go out to recess and then take them back inside to get breakfast. Breakfast MUST be eaten before they go to the playground.
  • Early recess will be for kinder through 5th grade students. PreK and Headstart students will follow their normal morning routines.
  • Early recess will be from 7:15-7:35. Students may come as early as 7:00 to begin eating breakfast.
  • Parents may not go out to the playground with their students. Please respect all students' privacy by not lingering by the glass doors or in the bus loop.
  • If your child needs his/her inhaler before going to recess, please ensure they take it before coming to school. Our nurse does not arrive until 7:30.
  • As always, cell phones will remain in backpacks in silent or off mode.
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