Gina DeLallo and Greg Scherrer, our Academic Intervention Teachers, are experts at working with all students, parents, teachers, counselors, and administrators to identify resources that can help kids get back on track and enhance academic success. B102 is a safe, open environment where kids feel comfortable and find success options that work. Mrs. DeLallo is the point of contact for Flex issues, as well as other campus initiatives such as eighth grade visits and more. Mr. Scherrer oversees Student-2-Student and Freshman Connections, plus he is the co-sponsor of O'Connor's chapter of NHS. Both Mrs. DeLallo and Mr. Scherrer help with ninth and tenth grade mini courses. For further information feel free to email or or just stop by before school or during lunches.
Daily tutoring is available in B102 for a broad range of subjects. College tutors are available on various days, plus Mrs. DeLallo and Mr. Scherrer are proficient at Algebra, Geometry, Social Studies, English, and more. If they don't know it, they are willing to roll up their sleeves and learn alongside students. B102 offers a space to study, work on the computer, or get academic assistance during all three lunches. Students who are working in the lunch tutoring center are allowed to bring food while working in B102.
Come and see - B102 is definitely where the magic happens!