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Students are placed at Northside Alternative Middle School (NAMS) for a specified number of "successful days."  During a student's placement at NAMS, he/she will be given the opportunity to make choices regarding their attendance, behavior, and grades.

A student will be awarded a "successful" day, if he or she...

  • is present and on time;
  • is engaged in learning and putting forth their best effort; and
  • exhibits appropriate behavior, which includes compliance with all school rules, structures and expectations

From time to time, students may make bad choices which result in a discipline referral, or assignment to the Behavior Intervention Center (BIC).  Students assigned to BIC may still have a successful day, provided they complete all work assigned to them while in BIC, and do not continue to disrupt the learning environment.  If a student chooses not to comply with expectations while assigned to BIC, they are subject to additional consequences, which may include but is not limited to, an unsuccessful day at NAMS.

A student must be at school for the entire day, in order for the day to be considered successful.  Regardless of the reason, all absences must be made up in order for a student to complete his/her assignment at NAMS.