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Welcome! We’re here to guide you to learn self-discipline, make better choices, become more successful, and develop responsibility for your choices. We will treat you with respect so you will know how to treat us. Your actions may not cause a problem for someone else. If you cause a problem, we expect you to solve it. If you can’t solve the problem, or choose not to, we will do something to help.

  1. Daily Inspection Process: Upon arriving at school, students stay on the bus until released. Upon exiting the bus, all students will be inspected by administration, to include metal detection search.
  2. Standardized Attire: Visit the NAMS Dress Code and Grooming Policy page for more information.
  3. Items allowed at NAMS:  1) nametag , 2) a choice of reading material that is checked out from NAMS, and a 3) house key. Any other items brought, including personal electronic devices, will be confiscated and returned to the student at the completion of their assigned days (see electronic device agreement for details). Students with violations are subject to disciplinary consequences.
  4. Schedule: Instructional time is from 8:30-3:40 with a 30 min. lunch. Students are enrolled in Math, Science, ELAR, History, Choices, and P.E.
  5. Level Management System: A level system is in place to help you improve your behavior. The level system provides privileges as part of the behavior and instructional process. Criteria used for the level system are behavior, grades and attendance. Students who achieve “leadership level” are allowed the most privileges.
  6. Counseling: Counseling is available and will be provided as needed, both individually
    and in small-group format.  Counseling may be required for those students assigned for drug or alcohol offenses. Materials to be used in the counseling program are available for your review. Information about outside resources/programs is available upon request.
  7. No-Talking Zones: The bus and the cafeteria are no-talking zones. Talking in these areas will result in disciplinary action.  Voice volume must be appropriate at all times.
  8. Meals: Lunch and breakfast are provided at NAMS. Your lunch order will be taken upon arrival to school each day. You may bring your own food to be consumed only during your lunch time. A lunch brought from home must include a sandwich-like item, and only one-time-open drink containers are permitted. No fast food or sharing of food is permitted. 
  9. Medications: Medications must be left with the office staff and will be dispensed as indicated in the original prescription.  Students shall not be permitted to carry medications anywhere on school property, including the bus, with the exception of asthma medication with doctor and parent approval. 
  10. Transportation: Buses have a driver and assistant who will direct you. Be at the curb 15 min. before and after pick-up time. If you do not ride 3 days in a row, bus service will be stopped until parent calls transportation to restart it. Penalties for bus referrals will include warnings, added days, and/or removal of bus privileges.
  11. Criteria and Absences: To complete their alternative school assignment, students must be passing all classes and have appropriate attendance and behavior. For each absence, please call the school. Upon the student’s return to school, a note/doctor’s note is needed as documentation. If written documentation is not provided to the school, the absence is considered unexcused. All absences, regardless of reason, must be made up.
  12. Miscellaneous: Bullying, Fighting and/or Gang-related activity (including tagging and graffiti) will result in recommendation for expulsion. A referral by a substitute will result in a minimum of 2 days added to the student’s assignment at NAMS. 
  13. Video-taping of students is permitted by law under some circumstances. This includes “…for the purpose of safety, including maintenance of order and discipline in common areas of the school or on school busses…and for purposes related to regular classroom instruction (TEC 26.009).” NAMS is equipped with district-approved camera surveillance.
  14. Discipline Referrals: Students are subject to added days, assignment to BIC, and/or suspension for all disciplinary infractions.
  15. Other campuses: NAMS students are not permitted on any other campus (Texas Penal Code 30.05). Failure to follow this will result in disciplinary action. This disciplinary action may include a citation and added days.