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Policy Involvement - Each year this policy will be shared with the parents of Martin students.
Teachers will present it to parents at the beginning of the year orientations, administration will share it
with parents at the first Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) meeting, and a copy will be sent home
along with the Parent Compact.

Program Involvement - At the beginning of the year meetings and/or at other times as appropriate,
information will be shared with the parents regarding Title I Programs, including: math, reading,
writing, science, social services, and tutoring. A public meeting will be held to share the State Report
Card which is provided to the school. Parents will be provided opportunities at these times to express
any concerns which they may have, about the Title I programs. If necessary, the School-Wide Plan or
the School Improvement Plan may be modified.

School Parent Compact - A School Parent Compact has been developed to delineate the
responsibilities of the school and the responsibilities of the parents in each student's education. A copy
will be given at the first parent conference.

Parent Training and Building Capacity for Involvement- It is part of Martin's role to
help parents assist their students in school. This is accomplished through presentations of Family Math
and/or Family Literacy Nights, Science Fair, Parents Under the Tent, and PTA programs. Additionally,
PTA officers are strongly encouraged to attend training sessions which are available to them through
the Northside Council of PTA's. Training is provided to teachers on attaining parent support and
involvement for our school.

Accessibility - Participation of all parents is important. Some of the materials sent home include the
following: School Parent compact, Student Parent Handbook, Parent Bulletins, Report Cards and
Invitations to Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) Committees.
This policy complies with Northside Independent School District's polices for parental involvement:
EHBD (Legal) and EHBD (Local).