Student's listening to teacher read a book during Library Night.

Bob Lewis Elementary PTA

Turquoise PTA poster with a black rainbow and stars and a large gold smiley face.

PTA Mission Statement

To make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.

Bob Lewis Elementary PTA, BLE PTA for short, is a volunteer based organization dedicated to advocating for and enriching the lives of children and families in the BLE community. Our focus is to honor the PTA mission statement by planning, organizing, and sponsoring programs, events, and activities that engage and empower our families to build stronger relationships with each other and the community, so that every one of our children's potential can be a reality.

Learn all about the Bob Lewis PTA .

Cafeteria Info & Menus
Health Services Information
Buses & Boundaries
District Programs
School Safety