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The Kuentz library provides a collaboration space for students, teachers, and community members. Enriched with a variety of media resources, the Kuentz library meets the needs of all its learners. The library collection is designed to ignite the love of reading through a multitude of genres based on student interest. Students are given the opportunity to explore with various hands-on makerspace tools which include coding, building, 3D-printing, and creating.

Introducing Book Dash!

This is our new Kuentz curbside book service. Students can place up to 2 holds for physical books from our Kuentz Library collection through Destiny. I will message parents and students via email and/or text when they can can pick up their books. The book cart will be organized by grade level and your child's books will be labeled with their name. Everyone can use our curbside service while we're all in distance learning and unable to come into the school building. Please be sure to wear your mask and maintain proper social distancing while picking up and dropping off your books to help minimize the spread of germs. Below you will find a quick video explaining how to browse our online collection and put a book on hold.

*Please note that because books need to be quarantined between patrons we are limiting the number of PHYSICAL books to 2 per student. This means that all students can checkout up to 2 books from the Kuentz Library. I will not checkout any new books to you or your child until the old ones are returned.


Click Here For Book Dash Form