Please add the following dates to your calendar (more information to come for each event):
- Please add the following dates to your calendar (more information to come for each event):
- EVERY WEDNESDAY in November: Wear Blue in honor of National Diabetes Month
- November 15th: Progress Reports go live in HAC
- November 25th through November 29th: Thanksgiving Holiday
- December 4th: Slim Chickens Spirit Night 5-8pm
- December 6th: Helotes Lighting of the Lights 6:00-7:30pm in downtown Helotes
- December 10th: 5:00-5:30pm PTA Membership Mtg & Pillars of Character Award Ceremony Followed by our Annual Winter Social (see flyer below) starting at 5:30pm.
- December 20th: Classroom Christmas Parties (RSVP here)
- December 21st through January 6th: Christmas Break