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A Word from the Nurse

The school nurse does not diagnose illnesses but takes notes of the symptoms and notifies the parent/guardian of the observations. If a child becomes ill or injured at school, the student will be assessed and given first aid, and the parent/guardian will be notified if the severity of the injury or illness warrants such action.

Children should be kept at home when ill and are expected to be free of fever (temperature less than 100.0° F) and free of communicable diseases in order to attend school. In accordance with the Texas Administrative Code, students are required to be excluded from school until fever free for 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medications. The Texas Department of State Health Services defines fever as a temperature of 100.0°F or greater. This is important for the health of the child and for the health of all children at the school. 

Illness at School

If upon a nursing assessment a child is determined to be ill, possibly contagious to others, injured at school, or needs further evaluation/treatment, the student will be given first aid and the parent/guardian will be notified. Every effort will be made to contact the parent/guardian first. If the parent/guardian is unable to come for the child, arrangements must be made for his/her care by the parent/guardian. In an extreme emergency, students will be transported by EMS.

Absence due to illness

The nurse has the responsibility if she suspects a contagious health condition to request that the child be picked up by the parent/guardian and examined by a physician for diagnosis and treatment. In all circumstances, the judgment of the school nurse prevails. In the event of a contagious illness, please notify the school upon confirmation of diagnosis. 


Parents are encouraged to schedule the administration of a student’s medication in such a manner that medication required at school is kept to a minimum. 

  1. Antibiotic and other short-term prescription medication may be administered at school upon written request from the parent/guardian. Medication must be brought to school in the original prescription labeled bottle. Short term medication will be administered for a maximum of two weeks.
  2. Long-term medication may be given only if a special medication form is completed and signed by a medical provider and the medication is brought in the original prescription labeled bottle. Special medication forms may be obtained in the school clinic and on the NISD District webpage.
  3. The administration of non-prescription medication is normally not permitted, but may be authorized by the principal under either of the following conditions: 
    1. The medication is ordered in writing by the child’s physician, accompanied by a written request from the parent/guardian and brought in an unopened, original manufacturer’s package. 
    2. The child is experiencing pain due to a surgical procedure, a dental procedure, or an injury that requires medical intervention. In such cases, pain relief medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen may be administered for up to three days if accompanied by a signed note from the physician or a written request from the parent/guardian. Medication must be brought in an unopened, original manufacturer’s package. 
    • Any other non-prescription medication cannot be administered to, or carried by, a student at school - this includes cold medications, fever reducing medications, cough syrups, cough drops, throat lozenges, vitamins, herbal medications, and essential oils.   
  4. All medication should be delivered to the clinic or school office by an adult. If the medication is sent to school with the child, the parent/guardian must remember that they are responsible for the medication until it is delivered to a school district employee in the office.
  5. With the exception of students with Asthma, Diabetes, or severe allergies with current physician orders on file, there will be no medications kept in the classroom nor may a child self administer medication.
  6. RNs in Texas may accept orders only from those physicians who are legally authorized  to practice in this state.