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Gifted and Talented

Northside Independent School District provides instructional opportunities and various services designed to meet the unique needs of students with significantly advanced general intellectual ability and/or specific subject matter aptitude in language arts, science, social studies and/or mathematics. These programs provide an appropriately differentiated curriculum in an effort to help students work to their fullest potential. GT program services may include a modified delivery of instruction for students by accelerating and/or providing for greater depth, more complex content, and enrichment activities. Specific GT program services are available in kindergarten-12th grades. GT program teachers serving identified GT students have met the state requirements necessary for the teaching assignment.

The GT/Advanced Academics department provides unique programs that nurture the abilities of high performing students while fostering parent and community involvement through Gifted and Talented, Advanced Placement (AP), PreAP and Dual Credit classes. 

The mission of the GT and Advanced Academics department in Northside ISD is to build a challenging learning environment that encourages life-long learning, nurtures high self-esteem, expands access to higher education, and provides experiences that enable students to reach their fullest potential as independent thinkers.