Attendance Secretary: Jessica San Miguel
Contact number: 210-397-8358
Absences and Tardies:
Notes regarding an excuse for an absence will need to be submitted within three days of the absence(s).
- A note is required for any absence.
- A parent note (when a student doesn't go to the Doctor) and a Doctor note when they do go.
- There are only 3 parent notes allowed per semester.
After 9:00 am the student is considered absent. If a student comes in after 9am with a Dr. note that absence becomes a health absence and excused.
Please be advised
If a student is absent without an excuse for 3 or more days within a semester an Attendance Warning Notice will be issued (AWN).
- Once an AWN has been issued, only notes from a medical provider will be accepted to excuse the absence. Notes from parents/guardians will no longer be accepted.
For further explanation of attendance, refer to your Student/Parent Handbook.
After the 7:45 bell the student is considered tardy.
Notes may be submitted by:
Dropping off the note in person to the Attendance Office or giving the note to the teacher.