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Our Henderson Special Education team supports provides a level of support for the student, based on his or her need:
Consultative support- These students are in the general education classroom receiving their instruction and do not require a second adult in the classroom. They may have a need for a limited number of accommodations or support materials, determined through the IEP process and collaborative planning between the general education teacher and Special Education teacher. In-class support- This level of support is in the general education classroom with a variety of supplemental aids and services, which in some cases might include instruction or behavioral support from a Special Education team. This support is directly related to the goals and objectives of the student with the disability in the general education classroom. The frequency (daily or weekly support) and intensity of support is based on the individual need of the student and is determined via the IEP process. Specialized support- Due to the severity of the students disability, they may leave the general education environment for a portion of their instructional day to receive intense and specific instruction related to their IEP goals and objectives. The decision for a student to receive specialized support in a setting other than the general education environment is reached through an analysis of individual student needs.