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Hawk Front Office Procedures

Money in any form will not be accepted by the school receptionist, please plan ahead.

Students will not be called from class (interrupting class instruction) to give or receive items; they may retrieve items during the passing period/lunch time only.

Dropping items off: Please place clothing, shoes, books, etc. on brown bookshelf. High value items should be given to receptionist for storage, i.e., Chromebooks, iPhones, etc.

Students must present their school ID to retrieve items. Photo of an ID will not suffice.

Visitors may only visit those places/people they have been approved to visit. Visitors may not use student restroom at any time.

Underage visitors must be supervised/accompanied at all times, by their chaperone.

Parents calling//texting students to leave class is strictly prohibited.

Special Deliveries from DoorDash, Uber Eats, balloons, cookies, etc., are not allowed.

Medication may only be taken and/or stored in Nurse's Office only.

Registration requires an appointment. Please email Registrar:

Please select the Services tab on the Harlan's website front page to gain access to the Attendance Office's corner, detailing VOE, Checkout, and Excuse Note processes.