Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
What is PBIS?
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) is an approach to behavior support that includes an ongoing process of research-based assessment, intervention, and data-based decision making focused on building social and other functional competencies, creating support contexts, and preventing the occurrence of problem behaviors.
PBIS relies on strategies that are respectful of a personโs dignity and overall well-being and that are drawn primarily from behavioral, educational and social sciences, although other evidence-based procedures may be incorporated.
PBIS may be applied within a multi-tiered framework at the level of the individual and at the level of large systems (e.g. families, classrooms, schools, social service programs, and facilities).
Provides a common language and common understanding regarding use of data-based coaching strategies to support implementation
What does PBIS look like for students?
Students are able to earn PAWSitive Bucks by following the school wide Positive, Awesome attitude, Wise choices, and Safety (PAWS) expectations. As students earn PAWSitive bucks, they are able to spend it in the school PAWS store.