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Free/reduced lunch information

For students and families facing homelessness, please visit the McKinney Homeless Connections site.


To register for the current school year OR preregister for next school year, visit the district's registration page. Scroll down for additional information provided in the Frequently Asked Questions section.


There are 3 types of absences: excused, unexcused, & extended illness/injury. If a student misses one or more classes, a note containing the following information must be provided within 3 days for the attendance office to properly code the absence:

  • Studentโ€™s name and Id#
  • Date(s) of absence(s)
  • Date(s) they were under doctor care
  • Date(s) student will be able to return to school
  • Reason for Absence(s), and nature of illness
  • Signature of parent/guardian and Doctor (if under care)
  • Phone number (where a parent can be reached)

If families are aware that their child will be be absent for an extended period of time, parents are encouraged to 1.) notify the attendance office directly at 210-397-8408 or, 2.) contact the student's counselor, & 3.) ask the teachers for academic assignments prior to the absence. 

Absence from class unavoidably affects the quality of a student's work, interferes with normal instructional procedures in the classroom, and places additional demands on the teacher to provide remedial assistance. Therefore, regular attendance and punctuality are required for every student for each scheduled class. 

Tardy Policy:

Tardy (definition) - reporting to class late without an excused pass, up to 15 minutes after the beginning of class. After 15 minutes, the student is absent.

If a student misses instruction due to an unexcused late arrival to or early removal from campus, it may be considered a partial day absence and a violation of the compulsory attendance law. After the 3rd tardy in any class, the following consequences may include, but are not limited to, lunch detention, ISS, overnight suspension for a parent conference, and parent shadowing.

For additional questions, please contact attendance secretary, Jessica Adame by email: or by phone: 210-397-8408.