Response to Intervention (RTI) is a federal regulation established in 2004. It is a multi-leveled process in which educational professionals provide high quality instruction/interventions matched to student needs. RTI is an early intervention process designed to prevent long-term academic failure.
Tier 1: The teacher notices a concern and addresses it through effective teaching practices and instructional strategies. The teacher monitors student progress and communicates this progress with parents. The process remains at this tier if the concern is resolved.
Tier 2: If the student does not make adequate progress in Tier 1, the classroom teacher collaborates with other teachers for further strategies, targeted services and interventions to assist the student. Progress is monitored while the student is receiving researched based interventions and this progress is communicated to parents. The process remains at this tier if the concern is resolved.
Tier 3: If the concern persists, a meeting is scheduled with teachers, counselors, administrators, and any other professional who might be of service to discuss the studentโs needs and to upgrade the plan of action. Parents may be invited to this meeting. More intensive interventions would be provided individually or in small groups to address any deficits. Ongoing and frequent communication with parents regarding progress on targeted skills is essential. The process remains at this tier if the concern is resolved.
Referral: If the concern remains unresolved, a referral is made to a community agency and/or special education eligibility testing.