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Dual Language/ Transitional Banner

In Northside, we enrich the linguistic, academic and affective learning experiences for students. Every student and family grows as part of an educational community that empowers all to excel while celebrating multiculturalism. Our goal is to provide learning experiences that inspire students' confidence, curiosity, and capability.

Dual Language Immersion Two-way Bilingual Program

The NISD Dual Language Bilingual Program model in Northside is research-based. The dual language model seeks to create bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural students by developing their academic proficiency in English and Spanish.

Goal: Emergent Bilingual students attain bilingualism, biliteracy, and sociocultural competence to reach high levels of literacy and academic achievement in the partner language and English.

Instruction: Emergent Bilingual students receive instruction in literacy and academic content in their partner language as well as English from teachers certified in bilingual/ESL education. At least 50% of the instruction is delivered in the students’ primary language for the duration of the program.

Transitional Bilingual Academic Program

Northside’s Transitional Bilingual/Early exit is a bilingual program model in which students identified as Emergent Bilingual students are served in both English and the students' primary language and are prepared to meet reclassification criteria to be successful in English instruction with no second language acquisition supports not earlier than two or later than five years after the student enrolls in school.

Goal: Emergent Bilingual students utilize their primary language as a resource while acquiring full proficiency in English to participate equitably in school.

Instruction: Emergent Bilingual students receive instruction in literacy and academic content in their primary language as well as English from teachers certified in bilingual education. As the child acquires English, the amount of instruction provided in the primary language decreases until full proficiency in English is attained.

Dual Language/ Transitional at Esparza ES


We build upon and value the linguistic, academic, and cognitive experiences of students and families through bilingual and ESL programs that develop mastery of the English language, promote academic excellence, develop biculturalism, and cultivate self-actualization.



All students will celebrate their own cultural identity while developing the intercultural understanding and respect essential to life in a pluralistic society. All students will embrace their multilingual ability as an asset that fosters positive communication in a diverse world. All students will experience rigorous, complex, and meaningful learning that promotes divergent thinking and empowers them to contribute positively to society.



Valoramos y reforzamos  las experiencias lingüísticas, académicas y cognitivas de los estudiantes y sus familias al brindar programas bilingües y de inglés como segundo idioma (ESL, por sus siglas en inglés) que desarrollan l dominio del inglés, promueven la excelencia académica, desarrollan una perspectiva multicultural y fomentan la auto-realización.



Todos los estudiantes celebrarán su identidad cultural mientras desarrollan respeto y comprensión intercultural que son esenciales para vivir en una sociedad pluralista. Todos los estudiantes aprovecharán sus habilidades multilingües como un recurso que promueva la comunicación positiva en un mundo diverso. Todos los estudiantes experimentarán un aprendizaje intenso, complejo y significativo que promueva el razonamiento divergente y la habilidad para contribuir positivamente a la sociedad. 



All Northside ISD students in grades kindergarten or first grade interested in the NISD Dual Language Program may apply online by clicking the link below. Your student’s NISD six-digit ID number will be required.



Todos los estudiantes del distrito independiente de Northside interesados en el programa de doble sendero en los grados de kínder y primero pueden llenar la solicitud haciendo clic en el enlace de abajo.  Será necesario tener en mano el número de identificación estudiantil de NISD que consiste de seis dígitos.



Dual Language Informational Meeting:

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  • Time:
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