As A School We Will....
- Care for your child's safety and well-being by establishing a supportive and caring learning environment where your child has the opportunity to achieve his/her full potential.
- Hold a teacher-parent-student conference at least twice a year.
- Promote development of character through teaching the Six Pillars of Character and Kelso's Choices.
- Provide challenging curriculum to meet your child's needs.
- Communicate regularly regarding your child's progress and school activities.
- Welcome the community as part of our school family.
- Help students and parents understand the goal setting process, and guide students to establish goals and design an action plan.
As A Parent We Will....
- Ensure our child comes to school daily and on time (school begins at 7:45 a.m. and ends at 2:55 p.m.)
- We will abide by school rules and regulations (school and classroom behavior, uniforms).
- Read at least 20 minutes daily with our child.
- Make sure homework is completed, if applicable, and that the communication folder is signed and returned.
- Encourage character development by modeling the Six Pillars of Character (Caring, Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Citizenship, and Fairness) to our child.
- Participate in decisions and activities relating to the education of our child such as conferences, family nights and PTA meetings.
- Inform the school of any concerns or issues that might affect our child's academics or behavior.
- Help our child set and achieve goals. Be actively involved.
As A Student I Will....
- Attend school regularly and be on time daily
- Show good character by modeling the Six Pillars of Character and making the Right Choice.
- Be responsible each day for class work, homework, supplies, appropriate behavior and my school uniform.
- Take care of my school, my property, and the property of others.
- Ask for help when needed for both academics and behavior.
- Set goals and strive to achieve them.
- Take an active role in my education.
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