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As A School We Will....

  1. Care for your child's safety and well-being by establishing a supportive and caring learning environment where your child has the opportunity to achieve his/her full potential.
  2. Hold a teacher-parent-student conference at least twice a year.
  3. Promote development of character through teaching the Six Pillars of Character and Kelso's Choices.
  4. Provide challenging curriculum to meet your child's needs.
  5. Communicate regularly regarding your child's progress and school activities.
  6. Welcome the community as part of our school family.
  7. Help students and parents understand the goal setting process, and guide students to establish goals and design an action plan.

As A Parent We Will....

  1. Ensure our child comes to school daily and on time (school begins at 7:45 a.m. and ends at 2:55 p.m.)
  2. We will abide by school rules and regulations (school and classroom behavior, uniforms).
  3. Read at least 20 minutes daily with our child.
  4. Make sure homework is completed, if applicable, and that the communication folder is signed and returned.
  5. Encourage character development by modeling the Six Pillars of Character (Caring, Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Citizenship, and Fairness) to our child.
  6. Participate in decisions and activities relating to the education of our child such as conferences, family nights and PTA meetings.
  7. Inform the school of any concerns or issues that might affect our child's academics or behavior.
  8. Help our child set and achieve goals. Be actively involved.

As A Student I Will....

  1. Attend school regularly and be on time daily
  2. Show good character by modeling the Six Pillars of Character and making the Right Choice.
  3. Be responsible each day for class work, homework, supplies, appropriate behavior and my school uniform.
  4. Take care of my school, my property, and the property of others.
  5. Ask for help when needed for both academics and behavior.
  6. Set goals and strive to achieve them.
  7. Take an active role in my education.