Mrs. Cristina Ramos
The Bylaws and Constitution of the Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
Chapter of the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica of Earl Warren High School
Article I. Name and Classification
- Section 1. The name of this organization is “El Capítulo Vicente Blasco Ibáñez de la Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica de Earl Warren High School.”
- Section 2. The purpose of this organization is to recognize high achievement in Spanish by students at Earl Warren High School and to promote continuity of interest in Hispanic studies and affairs in the school and communities.
- Section 3. The organization is classified as a chapter of an educational society in the study of high school Spanish and is nationally sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese.
Article II. Qualifications for Sponsorship
- A sponsor or co-sponsor of the Chapter must be a teacher of Spanish and a member of the parent organization, The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese.
Article III. Duties of the Sponsor
- Section 1. The sponsor shall remit the new student membership dues to the National Secretary-Treasurer each school year.
- Section 2. The Chapter Sponsor is to sign the list of the names of the new members which is sent to the National Secretary-Treasurer along with the membership fee. If for any reason there are no new members in any given school year, the National Secretary-Treasurer must be notified.
- Section 3. Reports of the Chapter activities are to be sent regularly to the editor and newsletter.
Article IV. Qualifications for Membership
- Section 1. The requirements for invitation to and induction into the Chapter are as follows: Each student who has completed 3 semesters of instruction in Spanish and must have maintained an overall grade average on no lower than 90. students must be in the 10th grade or above to be inducted. Each student must be committed to continuing interest in Hispanic studies by being enrolled in a following Spanish course.
- Section 2. Each candidate for membership must have the aforementioned grade average and the recommendation of his or her current Spanish teacher.
Article V. Dues
- Section 1. The student membership fee of $15.00 is payable at the time the candidate turns in his/her application.
Article VI. Duties of the Officers
- Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings, serve as spokesperson, oversee the business of the Chapter, such as, but not limited to, school announcements, service points, fundraisings, community projects and any other duties as deemed necessary.
- Section 2. The Vice-President shall serve in the capacity of the President when the President is unable to execute his or her duties, and assist the President in supervising the business of the Chapter.
- Section 3. The Secretary shall compile an accurate list of members and committees, carry out the Chapter’s correspondence and take minutes of all the meetings at the direction of the President.
- Section 4. The Treasurer shall keep accurate financial records and assist in the fundraising of the Chapter.
- Section 5. The Historian shall assist the sponsor in recording the Chapter events and shall keep a “Scrapbook” of the activities.
- Section 6. Removal from Office. If the sponsor of the Chapter has concrete evidence that an officer has not fulfilled the duties of his/her office, the sponsor should move at a regular meeting, at which the officer in question is present, for the officer’s removal. The sponsor must state the accusations and cite the supporting evidence. The accused officer is then to state his/her defense. The Chapter members will then vote by secret ballot on the matter. A simple majority is required for removal.
Article VII. Meetings
- Section 1. The officers will meet on the last Tuesday of every month, beginning in the month of August.
- Section 2. The officers and members will meet on the first Tuesday of every month., beginning in September. The meeting will be held in the morning at 8:00 AM and in the afternoon at 3:50 PM. The members will have the opportunity to attend either meeting.
Article VIII. Service Points
- Section 1. Every member must receive 20 points which will be divided as follows: 50% Attending meetings 30% Community work 20% Helping the local Chapter
- Section 2. Removal from membership due to lack of participation. The officers and members have the right , by secret ballot, to remove any member who is not an active participant.