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Esmeralda Castro (Team Lead)

Jonathan Alexander

Khatrina Debarros

Isabelle Lewis

Hannah Meggett



Here at Carnahan, our 4th grade teachers work extensively to shape learning experiences for students so that they are prepared for their future. We set the foundation that they build their lives upon. You should send your child to our campus, because we work year round to empower them as writers, readers, mathematicians, scientists, and historians. In Social Studies, students learn about a historical figure thoroughly and connect that to writing. Students learn that expository writing is writing to explain about a topic, then they write their own historical figure they researched in Social Studies. We also love doing outdoor science labs! As mathematicians, students learn different strategies to solve all four operations. We teach area models, partial products, partial quotients, and other various strategies to help your child be successful on the math STAAR. Last but not least, reading. In reading, students set personal reading goals at the beginning of the year. Throughout the year, we help them be successful in setting a reading goal for the middle and end of year. We routinely check in on their reading progress and motivate them to read in and outside of school, so they foster a love for reading all kinds of texts. We truly believe that all students will grow immensely here as a Carnahan Cardinal!