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Northside Independent School District provides instructional opportunities and various services designed to meet the unique needs of students with significantly advanced general intellectual ability and/or specific subject matter aptitude in language arts, science, social studies and/or mathematics. These programs provide an appropriately differentiated curriculum in an effort to help students work to their fullest potential. GT program services may include a modified delivery of instruction for students by accelerating and/or providing for greater depth, more complex content, and enrichment activities. Specific GT program services are available in Kindergarten-12th grades. GT Specialists serving identified GT students have met the state requirements necessary for the teaching assignment. Northside ISD recognizes that all students are entitled to a program of educational experiences that provides opportunities to maximize the development of their capabilities.


Campus GT Specialist:

Oscar Sierra



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NISD Gifted & Talented Information  


Our Mission

The Northside Independent School District and our community will provide innovative, high-quality, diverse learning experiences for all students in an ever-changing world.

Philosophy of Gifted/Enrichment Program

Northside Independent School District provides instructional opportunities and various services designed to meet the unique needs of students with significantly advanced general intellectual ability and/or specific subject matter aptitude in language arts, science, social studies and/or mathematics. These programs provide an appropriately differentiated curriculum in an effort to help students work to their fullest potential. GT program services may include a modified delivery of instruction for students by accelerating and/or providing for greater depth, more complex content, and enrichment activities. Specific GT program services are available in kindergarten-12th grades. GT program teachers serving identified GT students have met the state requirements necessary for the teaching assignment.

(ALPHA Advanced Learning Program for High Achievers) is the name of the gifted/talented program in the Northside Independent School District. It is based upon the work of Dr. Joseph Renzulli's concept of "giftedness," which addresses the student's intellectual ability, creativity, and task commitment. Northside Independent School District (Northside ISD) recognizes that all students are entitled to a program of educational experiences which provide opportunities to maximize the development of their capabilities.

Gifted/Enrichment Program Goals

  • To provide an enrichment program to stimulate the talents of gifted students;
  • To guide students to develop a healthy self-concept and to acquire complex skills for collaborative conflict resolution and teamwork.
  • To implement the principles of divergent thinking and foster the higher order thinking skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation;
  • To promote creative problem solving for real world issues; 
  • To provide   opportunities   for self-directed   learning   and   assessment;   
  • To arrange experiences which promote the ongoing development of task commitment;
  • To encourage an attitude of responsibility and service to others;
  • To promote a global perspective and a respect for cultural differences and similarities;
  • To provide an atmosphere in which students can interact with their intellectual peers and with outstanding adults;
  • To assist students in making career choices which help them in becoming productive, well-rounded citizens; to think not only of what is, but also of what might be.


Is my child gifted?

A high achiever... A gifted learner... A creative thinker...
Remembers the answers Poses unforeseen questions Sees exceptions
Is interested Is curious Wonders
Is attentive Is selectively mentally engaged Daydreams, may seem off task
Generated advanced ideas Generates complex, abstract ideas Overflows with idea, many of which will never be developed
Works hard to achieve Knows without working hard Plays with ideas and concepts
Answers the questions in detail  Ponders with depth and multiple perspectives Injects new possibilities
Performs at the top of the group Is beyond the group  Is in own group
Responds with interest and opinions Exhibits feelings and opinions from multiple perspectives Shares bizarre, sometimes conflicting opinions
Learns with ease Already knows Questions: What if...
Needs 6 to 8 repetitions to master Needs 1 to 3 repetitions to master Questions the need for mastery
Comprehends at a high level  Comprehends in-depth, complex ideas Overflows with ideas-- many of which will never be developed
Enjoys the company of age peers Prefers the company of intellectual peers Prefers the company of creative peers but often works alone
Understands complex, abstract humor Creates complex, abstract humor Relishes wild, off-the-wall humor
Grasps the meaning Infers and connects concepts Makes mental leaps
Completes assignments on time Initiates projects and extensions of assignments Initiates more projects that will never be completed
Is receptive  Is intense  Is independent and unconventional 
Is accurate and complete Is original and continually developing Is original and continually developing
Enjoys school often  Enjoys self-directed learning Enjoys creating
Absorbs information Manipulates information Improvises
Is a technician with expertise in a field Is an expert who abstracts beyond the field Is an inventor and idea generator
Memorizes well  Guesses and infers well Created and brainstorms well 
Is highly alert and observant  Anticipated and related observations  Is intuitive
Is pleased with own learning Is self-critical Is never finished with possibilities
Gets A's  May not be motivated by grades Many not be motivated by grades
Is able Is intellectual Is idiosyncratic